This HTML widget contains most shared articles for a particular {identifier} or a list of comma-seperated {identifier}s, and will be automatically updated with new articles via javascript.

GET /top-content/{identifier}/

Example Request

Accept: text/html
<div id="app-container">

    <div class="top-content-list">
            <div class="tile" data-url-identifier="5755795537f91844a95254a7">
                <div style="background-image:url('');"></div>

            <div class="text">
                <h4>Apple is No. 3 in Fortune 500 - Business Insider</h4>
                <small> | 06 Jun, 2016</small>
                <p>Apple continues to leads the tech industry, at least when measuring by sales.</p>

            <a class="component-link" href="" target="_blank"><span></span></a>

